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How to create a zero- waste home

zero wasteAlthough more and more people are recycling, many homeowners want to create a zero-waste home. Minimising the amount of waste they are producing wherever possible and this goes further than just recycling. Create a zero waste home (or as close to zero as possible) means that your home is as environmentally friendly as possible. 

Here, we discuss some of the things homeowners can put into practice to make their homes as close to zero waste as possible. 

What is a zero-waste home?

What we mean my zero waste is a set of principles and a philosophy that individuals follow to try and prevent waste as much as possible. Some waste is inevitable, however, there are some practical things you can do to help this prevention and stop as much of your rubbish from ending up at landfills, being incinerated or thrown in the ocean as possible.

To begin, you will need to evaluate your current wastefulness and identify the key areas you should focus on.

How to create a zero-waste home 

Eat fresh food
Where possible try and buy fresh fruit and vegetables. This is a great way to reduce the packaging which often is not easily recyclable. It also helps provide you and your family with nutritious meals if they are homemade. If you can, try and buy items in bulk if you have the space to store it. Doing this not only reducing the amount of packaging again, but it also can be a cost-effective way of buying food. 

Be considerate when buying cleaning supplies
Before stocking up on your cleaning supplies, try and use products that are not harmful to the environment and full of dangerous chemicals. There are also more brands that are providing eco refills of their products. Keep the original cleaning bottles and buy the refills. These refills also tend to fit more of the product in, saving packaging. Once you buy the refill just use the original bottle.

There are many cleaners that you use around your home that you could find a more environmentally friendly alternative. For example, you can use a mixture of household items such as vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, and lemons. These are items you tend to already have in the house and saves you having to buy other cleaners.

Stop Junk Mail 
Whenever you receive junk mail, check to see if there is an option to unsubscribe with the sender. Over time, you should hopefully see the amount of junk mail you receive in the post diminish

Declutter your home and wherever possible, donate your items to local charities, or sell them online. You will be left with only items that you believe are of use whilst letting other people enjoy the items you no longer want.

Head to the shops with a plan 
Before going to shops, try and have a list with you and stick to it. If you go to the shops without a plan, you will be more likely to buy more than you actually need. This, in turn, will leave you with more packaging and waste to deal with.

Avoid disposable items 
When you have a disposable item, see if there is a reusable option instead. Although these will tend to be more expensive, they will be better value for money over the long run as you get more uses from the same item. From bottles to shopping bags, makeup cotton pads, razors, and more, there are plenty of options.

Buying a compost bin can really help reduce your waste. It is the perfect location for you to place shredded paper, lawn clipping, and vegetable peelings to name a few. It can be surprising how much waste you can place in your composter instead, over time providing you with rich, fertile compost for your garden. Invest in as large a composter as you can. The larger it is, the more likely you are to use it freely.

Get rid of your waste in a clever way 
It is impossible to have no waste at all in your home. However, there are ways you can get rid of your waste in the best way possible. Using a skip hire, for example, can help you with your waste. Check with the company you are using first to check what their services are. Most skip companies will sort out your waste for you to ensure as much of it as possible will be recycled. This is in an attempt to reduce the amount of waste that will end up at a landfill. Having a skip company do this takes some of the pressure off you at sorting out your rubbish and disposing of it correctly which can sometimes be extremely time-consuming.

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