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What can and can’t be recycled when cleaning out your home

Clearing out your home can be very stressful at the best of times, but trying to figure out what can and what can’t be recycled can make it even worse.  With everything from electronics, cardboard or even old furniture to handle – it’s important that you know what can and can’t be recycled.

How to recycle
First, you need to know how to recycle and where to do it before you even start to sort your rubbish out. Most cities and towns often now have some sort of recycling plant. This is where you can take the things you want recycling and it is sorted into the correct areas e.g. garden, wood etc.

It is as easy as driving/walking to the sorting centre and dropping off your rubbish into the correct areas, almost like a ‘sort and drop’ service making it very convenient and time effective so there are no excuses about not doing it.

You should also read up about the rubbish that can be recycled as most of it needs to be clean, for example most cans, bottles etc. need to be rinsed out fully and dried as the liquid that is inside of them can contaminate the plastic itself making it unrecyclable.

Recyclable household items
Now you know how to recycle, you need to know what you can recycle. Here are just some of what you can recycle when clearing out your home:

Junk mail, cards, bills etc. are all forms of rubbish that you have in your home which can be recycled. Instead of just leaving them around in drawers etc. around the house which causes more clutter, you should bundle it all together and recycle it.

Cardboard is another great asset to recycle in your house, from things such as cereal boxes, pizza boxes or any other type of paper packaging.

CD’s, DVDs are not the first thing that springs to mind when someone mentions recycling, I know. But yes, they are recyclable, only if the recycling centre allows them and approves. If they are not then there are many other ways you can dispose of or reuse them, for example making a collage of your CD’s on your wall.

Old Televisions: TV’s hold many dangerous chemicals, so they are a bit hard to recycle yourself, but a lot of TV stores are happy to trade in your TV when you buy a new one and they often recycle them in a professional manner that is needed.

With all this in mind you may be wondering where you can put all of your unwanted rubbish? Well that is where we can help, by offering you affordable and convenient skip hire right to your door. Find out more here or call us today on 0800 083 7807

How paper straws are saving the planet

As the world is becoming more and more environmentally friendly there are new inventive ideas emerging every day for saving waste. The latest trend on the eco-scene that is being heavily adopted is the use of paper straws.

What is so bad about plastic straws?
Firstly, plastic straws are not recyclable, meaning that large amounts of waste end up in landfills or oceans. The biggest waste patch is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch which is reportedly twice the size of Texas. It may not look it on the surface, but it is because most of it ends up on the ocean floor. Since these plastic straws are not biodegradable, it can take up to 200 years for them to decompose.

This then has a domino effect on marine life as they often mistake it as food, and when they try to consume it, it can become lodged in their stomach. It is estimated that up to 71% of seabirds and 30% of turtles end up ingesting plastic to their stomachs.

Apart from affecting sea life, there is another reason as to why plastic straws are bad. It is because they release toxic chemicals when they start to break down which in turn pollutes the ocean waters.

The benefits of changing to paper straws
•    Safer for marine-life: of course, this is the first positive, but it is a major one as it can save the lives of many animals and maybe even prevent some species from going extinct. This is proven as paper straws are supposedly meant to breakdown within six months, which is a whole lot better than that of 200 years for a plastic straw.

•    Less time to decompose: linking to the previous benefit, paper straws only taking a short amount of time to decompose will be very beneficial for our oceans as it will also reduce the amount of toxic chemicals being released into the ocean waters.

•    They’re affordable: although plastic straws are cheaper, the rise of demand for paper straws is only going to increase the production meaning eventually the price will go down again even though they are already cheap enough as you can pick them up in bulk for as little as two pence each.

Businesses cutting out plastic
Many large-scale companies and businesses are cashing in on cutting out or limiting plastic straws. Some of these include Disney, Starbucks and McDonalds. This is a wake-up call to you and how you should be trying to limit how you use plastic on a day-to-say basis for your business.

Here at LSPS, recycling is of great importance to us and we help businesses and individuals all across Leicestershire to reduce the amount of their waste that ends up at landfill sites. Our Waste Transfer Station is open to traders and has an extensive range of state-of-the-art equipment.

To find out how about we can help with your waste disposal needs please contact us on 0800 083 7807 or visit our website for further information.

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