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Common ways that waste is recycled

common ways that waste is recycledThe world is beginning to wake up to the importance of recycling at home. However, while many home owners are taking great steps in doing their bit with sorting through their waste to divide up things like paper, card and plastic not many of us are so sure as to what happens to that recycling. Here we will look at some of the common ways that household waste is reused.

Card and paper
Some recycling rules can leave even the most experienced of home recyclers scratching their heads, but card and paper is one type of waste that almost everyone knows can be easily recycled. Once it arrives at the recycling plant, paper is separated into types and grades. It is then washed with a soapy water which removes inks, film, glue and staples and is then mixed with water to create a ‘slurry’. This slurry is then spread using large rollers and is left to dry. It is then cut up and sent to retailers to be reused!

From jars of jam and curry to bottles of beer, glass bottles are a common item in our recycling bins. Once glass arrives at the treatment plant is sorted by the colour of glass and washed, it is then crushed and moulded under high temperatures to create new bottles and jars ready to be sold in shops.

Aluminium foils and cans can come from fizzy drinks, microwave meals, frozen foods and all manner of other products. Once aluminium arrives at the treatment plant is it sorted, cleaned and then melted which removes any previous coatings and leftover residues. It is then left to cool into large blocks called ingots. These ingots are then rolled out flat and reshaped into new packaging ready for the shelves.

Globally we have a serious problem with plastics finding their way into the oceans and harming marine life, which is why it is absolutely essential that we not only reduce the amount of plastic we buy and use but also that we recycle it. Most plastics (other than those with unsafe chemicals like anti-freeze and bleach) can be recycled. Once they arrive at the processing plant they are cut, washed, dried and then repurposed into things like clothing, fences, furniture, packaging, bins and more.

Here at LSPS, recycling is of great importance to us and we help businesses and individuals all across Leicestershire to reduce the amount of their waste that ends up at landfill sites. Our Waste Transfer Station is open to traders and has an extensive range of state-of-the-art equipment.

To find out how about we can help with your waste disposal needs please contact us on 0800 083 7807 or visit our website for further information.

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