Here in the UK we are somewhat obsessed with sheds. Far more than just a place to store bikes, lawnmowers and tools, garden sheds around the UK vary greatly from your humble workshop and refugee for stressed Dads, right through to miniature offices and pubs complete with optics and beer kegs. There’s even a Shed Of The Year Contest and a subculture of people who refer to themselves as ‘Sheddies’.
However, if you have aspirations to create your own urban oasis and earn the title of ‘Sheddie’ then you’ll have to overcome the beginners’ hurdle – clearing out your shed. Here are a few tips to get you on your way.
Watch the weather
First of all, you need to pick the right day. Take a look at the weather forecast and find a day that will be sunny, or at least has only a small chance of rain. That way you can lay everything out on your grass or patio and not have to worry about anything getting soaked in the process.
Have a plan
Think about how you’re going to tackle the job. As you make your way into your shed you’ll no doubt come across plenty of items that you’d forgotten you owned (or borrowed) and it’s easy to get side-tracked. The best thing to do is to have clear objectives about what you want to achieve and tick things off as you move along.
Be ruthless
You need to be quite ruthless if you want to free up space in your shed. Each item should be looked upon with a critical gaze and you should ask questions like ‘does this work?’ and ‘will I use it?’ and if the answer is no you shouldn’t be afraid to chuck it out.
Don’t just move things around
It can be hard to part with items sometimes, and with enough time you can probably convince yourself that everything is worth keeping but if you really want to free up space then you can’t just move things about!
Have a good clean
Once you’ve got everything laid out on the grass and sorted into piles for keeping and piles for throwing away, your shed should be looking quite bare. Now is a good time to get your marigolds on and begin cleaning down your shed. It might even be a good opportunity to give it an extra lick of paint on the exterior too.
Planning a shed clearance and thinking of hiring a skip? With our online booking system, you can have a skip arranged for delivery with just a few clicks of your mouse. Find out more here: or alternatively contact us on freephone 08000 083 7807.