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UK urged to do more to improve household recycling figures

uk urged to do more to improve household recycling figuresThe latest figures from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) demonstrate slow progress in the amount of household waste that is recycled.

In the ‘UK Statistics on Waste’ report by DEFRA, figures show that while the amount of waste sent for recycling from UK homes crept above 45% for the first time in 2016, progress has been too slow to have a realistic chance of meeting binding EU targets set for 2020.

Recycling rates among UK households differed between nations, with Wales the best performing country with a rate of 57% and Scotland, the worst with 42.8%. The recycling rate overall increased only marginally from 44.6% in 2015, to 45.2% in 2016.

These fractional improvements have been condemned by environmental groups such as the Environmental Services Association (ESA) who commented that UK recycling rates “remain in the doldrums” and that it was unlikely that we would reach targets set by the EU of 50% home recycling by 2020. He went on to encourage DEFRA to turn their resources and waste strategy towards the issue of sustainable markets for recyclable materials, and the residual waste capacity gap.

This year the UK government, launched a comprehensive 25-year plan aimed at protecting the environment and cracking down on so-called “avoidable” plastic waste - a move welcomed by green groups who pointed out that over half a million tonnes of plastic was collected from UK homes in 2017. However, some groups such as Greenpeace voiced scepticism as to whether the government would follow through with their plans and criticized them for not tackling other environmental issues.

Here at LSPS, recycling is of great importance to us and we help businesses and individuals all across Leicestershire to reduce the amount of their waste that ends up at landfill sites. Our Waste Transfer Station is open to traders and has an extensive range of state of the art equipment.

To find out how about we can help with your waste disposal needs please contact us on 0800 083 7807, or visit our website for further information.

Starbucks to trial 5p cup charge in stores

starbucks to trial 5p cup charge in storresCoffee shop giant Starbucks has launched a three-month trial scheme aimed at reducing the environmental impact of their products and joins a growing number of businesses looking to address their environmental sustainability.

Instantly nicknamed the ‘latte levy’, Starbucks stores will introduce a 5p charge on takeaway cups, beginning with an initial trial in London across 35 stores.

The company hopes that the new charges will encourage customers to bring their own reusable cups and therefore reduce the amount of single-use plastic cups that can end up littering streets or in landfill. They have also confirmed that the proceeds of the trial scheme will go to Hubbub, an environmental and behaviour change charity.

“We’re hoping that this charge will remind customers to rethink their use of single-use plastic lined cups, as it has with plastic bags,” explained Simon Redfern, vice president of communications at Starbucks.

The recycling programme follows on from other large coffee companies such as Costa Coffee who have also taken steps to reduce coffee cup litter. Costa launched a scheme in October 2016 which introduced 45 cup collection points across the UK in stores which would be taken to specialist recycling plants to allow them to be reused.

Coffee lovers can also enjoy discounts in Starbucks stores for bringing in their own cup. Bringing your own reusable cup to enjoy your coffee will net you a 25p discount in Starbucks, Costa Coffee and Paul, a slightly reduced 20p discount in Greggs and an impressive 50p in Pret A Manger stores.

Here at LSPS, we take recycling seriously. For more information or to find out how we can help both businesses and individuals with their waste disposal efforts, please visit our website or call us on freephone 0800 083 7807.

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