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Calls for greater collaboration to boost recycling consistency

Specialist recycling charity WRAP has called for greater collaboration efforts between UK councils, packagers and retailers in order to effectively create consistent recycling standards.

Speaking at the Collections Conference in London, WRAP special advisor Chris Mills claimed that councils in the UK currently have too many variations in the ways that they collect their recycling which make it difficult for householders to understand and put into practice.

As we discussed in our recent blog ‘Is the UK confused by recycling rules’ as much as 338,00 tonnes of household waste is rejected from recycling facilities annually across the UK. WRAP claims that this stems from householders being unsure as to what can go into their recycling bins and how best to prepare those items for recycling.

WRAP aims to bring together representatives from councils, waste management companies, packaging companies and retailers to advise on a more consistent approach to recycling rules. WRAP has estimated that the benefits of an aligned approach could lead to around £33m in savings as well as significant reductions in energy wastage and C02 emissions. 

Here at LSPS recycling is of great importance to us and we help businesses and individuals all across Leicestershire to reduce the amount of their waste that ends up at landfill sites. Our Waste Transfer Station is open to traders and has an extensive range of state of the art equipment.

To find out how about we can help with your waste disposal needs please contact us on 0800 083 7807, or visit our website for further information.

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