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The importance of recycling

imageOur environment needs as much as help as possible these days. Global warming is increasing which is having a knock on effect on our polar ice caps, one of the main regulators in our global climate. Carbon dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gases that is building up in our atmosphere, which is causing deforestation all over the world. What’s more is that the level of waste we have is at an all-time high and we have to now do our bit for the environment.

What is recycling?

Recycling is a process that contributes towards the preservation of the environment and its future; it’s all about collecting materials that are considered as waste and reprocessing it. Here are some ways that recycling helps our environment:

Recycling saves energy

Manufacturing new products from scratch uses a huge amount of energy, way more energy than recycling materials. We can also cut back and preserve the resources that provide these new products by recycling. Take ink cartridges, instead of just creating ink cartridges each time, there are now companies out there that recycle the cartridges to use again.

Recycling reduces pollution

Reducing pollution goes a long way to preserving the environment; minimising energy used in manufacturing reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Gasoline, coal and diesel emit harmful greenhouse gases, so any reduction in the consumption of these result in the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Recycling preserves natural resources

Instead of cutting down trees to produce paper, recycling used paper will help preserve natural and limited resources.

Recycling saves space for waste disposal

Landfill sites are becoming full, but a major proportion of what’s in landfill can be recycled. Hazardous waste that is emptied into landfill can leak corrosive or toxic chemicals into the environment. Reducing waste that needs to be discarded in landfills benefits the environment.

Related articles:

· Recycling scrap metal

· Recycling: are we doing our bit?

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