We’re at that time of year now where fireworks begin to pop up in the sky. In the weeks and days surrounding Bonfire Night, and again at New Years Eve, a great many people in the UK come together to celebrate with their own fireworks displays. However, if you’re new to the experience then you might not know how best to dispose of your fireworks.
Safe practices
First of all, it’s important to remember that as amazing and wonderous as fireworks can be, they are very dangerous in the wrong hands. Make sure that you follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter and that only people over the age of 18 are allowed to handle them.
You also need to check that the fireworks you have purchased are safe to use – look out for British Standard BS 7114: 1988 certification.
Disposing of fireworks – do’s and don’ts
Don’t rush in and start clearing up before allowing time for any delayed fireworks to explode
Don’t rush in and start clearing away parts before you’ve given them time to cool down
Do wear protective gloves to avoid irritating chemicals on your skin
Don’t put the parts straight in the bin
Do soak fireworks, debris and components in water for 1-3 days before disposing of them
Don’t pour said water into local water sources or rivers
Do wrap your fireworks up in a refuse bag and dispose of in the bin after soaking
What the law says:
Regulation 28 Explosives Regulation 2014 (ER14) requires - Any person who discards or disposes of explosives or explosive-contaminated items must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that they are discarded, or disposed of safely.
Any person who decontaminates explosive-contaminated items must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that they are decontaminated safely.
And, by Order of Secretary of State 11 (3) made under the provisions of the Explosives Act 1875 requires persons not to deposit explosives in receptacles or places appropriated for refuse and states that explosives shall not be handed or forwarded to persons or vehicles employed or appropriated for the removal or conveyance of refuse.
Click here to read The Explosives Regulations in full: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/1638/contents/made.
Finally, one last additional thing to remember is that while bonfires are typically allowed (and encouraged) around bonfire night you need to be careful over what you burn. Burning toxic items such as plastics or contaminated (treated) woods can be harmful to both your health and the environment.
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