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What happens to your recycled scrap metal?

clip_image002One of the many strengths of metals such as steel, iron, aluminium, brass and copper is that they can be recycled many times to make new products. Reusing metal in this way not only reduces the amount of raw materials that need to be mined but it also decreases the amount of waste we produce. Recycled scrap metal can form many household products and the repurposed material is also widely used in the manufacturing industry.

In its purist form, scrap metal can be found in modern art sculptures or decorative metalwork which gives items a new lease of life once they are no longer usable. While this is not to everyone’s taste, recycled scrap metal can be found in furnishings, fixtures and lighting while metal roofing is commonly made from recycled metal.

Additionally, the packaging for canned food products is largely made of recycled materials and it is becoming more common for this kind of packaging to be made from 100% recycled metal. Furthermore, the production of recycled aluminium produces less greenhouse gases as well as being cheaper to manufacture when compared to the production of new aluminium. The process is so efficient that recycled metal food containers can be found again on our supermarket shelves within two months.

In the manufacturing industry, recycled scrap metal is widely used and can be found in new products such as home appliances, shipping containers, aeroplanes, cars and building materials.

If you have any scrap metal you wish to sell for recycling, please get in touch with LSPS who can collect your scrap metal from your premises and offer you a fair price. More information on waste disposal can be found on the LSPS website,  or alternatively you can call LSPS on our free phone number: 0800 083 7807.

Interesting Recycling Facts

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